Sudden Ramblings From Outta Nowhere

Hmm. Tim talked to me today; I guess that's a good sign. Nothing particularly bells-and-whistles, though; I think Dan told him to. What a pal. I don't mean that in a bad way; Dan is my only guy friend left, and he's a really nice guy. Anyway, this is going to be a bit more upbeat than the first four thoughts, because a) I don't want Katie to feel like she has to cheer me up (i'm okay, y'hear?); b) I don't want Eric to get all pitying on me (jeezus, i haven't cut myself in forever - it's just one of those psychological quirks I ponder from time to time); and c) I'm not that depressed anymore. Just exhausted.

Life ain't so bad; I've still got a whole two days to study for my calc exam and finish writing the programs from this quarter - o boi! . But seriously, I'm in a better mood than I have been. My life is still wacky out of control, but I'm not stressing about it as much, which means I'm a much nicer person to be around...

Back to our sheep. I don't want this to be a totally pointless yak about my life, so maybe I can think of an interesting topic to tackle... hmmm... nope. So maybe I'll enlighten you a bit more about the world of me. Actually, wait!...

(disclaimer: boys, don't get mad at me; i don't mean it. i just felt like letting my brain off the leash to meander for a while.)

I think dogs being loyal is a crock. Dogs give "loyalty" to get food the way men give "love" to get sex. The only difference being that dogs think with their stomachs and men think with their dicks. (sorry to anyone who's getting offended at this point. so stop reading, ya pile of horse dung.) Everyone has these shiny-eyed stories they read in the paper or saw on teevee about when some brave pup pulled a kid out of an icy lake or woke the family and got them out of the burning house... But the truth of the matter is, Lassie ain't stupid. She watches teevee too. She knows if she's a "good" dog, she gets mucho doggie treats. If the family burns to crispy critters, not only does the number of doggie treats drop to nil, but she's out of a home, too. Double d'oh!

Dogs will submit to cruel and unusual human tortures in order to get food - they'll let little kids pull their ears and tails and ride on their backs; they catch gnarly round hunks of plastic in their mouths and bring them back to their "masters" just so the dumb fuck can toss the thing again and repeat the procedure; they put their chins on your knee and gaze up at you longingly and drooooool...

Of course, men do the same thing, the goal being sex instead of food. To impress women, nothing is too much. She likes kids? He'll play with the goddamn kids just to show what a patient and caring bastard he is. He'll repeat the same tricks over and over... for a while (hey, even dogs get tired of frisbee.) They'll even rest their chins on the knee of the female in question and droooool...

The real question is, who has it better? The dog who constantly begs for food but has unlimited sex, or the man who has plenty of food and begs for sex?

You tell me.

Related Thoughts:
o randomness #2 - beware, this is totally unrelated to this one.
o next thought: religion thought #1

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This garble spewed out by Sparky ( )
Written 01/20/98